Children's Books

Ingke Brodersen

Ingke Brodersen, born 1950 in Barmstedt, studied History at Hamburg University. After a spell in teaching she worked as an editor of political books at the Rowohlt publishing house, later becoming head of Rowohlt Berlin. A co-founder of the publishing firm Booklett.Brodersen & company, she now works as an editor and author of books on politics and media culture,

(Updated: 2020)

More Publications

Judentum. Eine Einführung
Fischer Verlag, Frankfurt 2011.
Zerrissene Herzen. Die Geschichte der Juden in Deutschland
(with Rüdiger Dammann)
Fischer Verlag, Frankfurt 2006.

Featured Books

Book cover A strawberry for Hitler

Eine Erdbeere für Hitler
[A strawberry for Hitler]

S. Fischer Verlag
