
Klaus Taschwer

Klaus Taschwer, born 1971 in Judenburg (Austria), studied Sociology, Politics and Philosophy Science at Vienna University. He is the co-editor of the science magazine heureka, joint director of a university course for Science Communication, and since 2007 has been an editor for the science section of the Viennese daily newspaper Standard.

(Updated: 2020)


  • 2016 Austrian National Prize for Scholarly Writing
  • 2006 Cardinal Innitzer Prize

More Publications

Hochburg des Antisemitismus. Der Niedergang der Universität Wien im 20. Jahrhundert
Czernin Verlag, Vienna 2015.
Konrad Lorenz. Biografie. 
(with Benedikt Föger)
Zsolnay Verlag, Vienna 2003.
Die andere Seite des Spiegels. Konrad Lorenz und der Nationalsozialismus
(with Benedikt Föger)
Czernin Verlag, Vienna 2001.

Featured Books

Book cover The Case of Paul Kammerer. The Adventurous Life of the Most Controversial Biologist of His Time

Der Fall Paul Kammerer. Das abenteuerliche Leben des umstrittensten Biologen seiner Zeit
[The Case of Paul Kammerer. The Adventurous Life of the Most Controversial Biologist of His Time]

Carl Hanser Verlag
