Children's Books

Jens Soentgen

Jens Soentgen, born 1967 in Bensberg (North Rhine-Westphalia), took his first degree in Chemistry, then gained his doctorate and his ‘habilitation’ in Philosophy. He taught Rhetoric and Philosophy at various universities in Germany and Brazil. He has been Director of the Environmental Science Centre at the University of Augsburg since 2002.
(Updated: 2020)

More Publications

Die Nebelspur : wie Charles Wilson den Weg zu den Atomen fand
Peter Hammer Verlag, Wuppertal 2019.
Ökologie der Angst
Matthes und Seitz Verlag, Berlin 2018.
Konfliktstoffe. Über Kohlendioxid, Heroin und andere strittige Substanzen
oekom Verlag, Munich 2019.
Wie man mit dem Feuer philosophiert: Chemie und Alchemie für Furchtlose
Peter Hammer Verlag, Wuppertal 2015.
Die Zimtsternstory: Weihnachtsaufsatz
Peter Hammer Verlag, Wuppertal 2001.

Featured Books

Book cover From the stars to the dew. A voyage of discovery through the natural world. With 120 observations and experiments

Von den Sternen bis zum Tau. Eine Entdeckungsreise durch die Natur. Mit 120 Phänomenen und Experimenten
[From the stars to the dew. A voyage of discovery through the natural world. With 120 observations and experiments]

Peter Hammer Verlag

Book cover Think for yourself! 20 philosophical strategies

Selbstdenken! 20 Praktiken der Philosophie
[Think for yourself! 20 philosophical strategies]

Peter Hammer Verlag
