Children's Books

Kathrin Schärer

Kathrin Schärer, born 1969 in Basel, studied Drawing and Craft Education at the School of Design Basel. She works as a teacher at a school for children with speech disorders and as an illustrator. She frequently illustrates her own stories, and for many years has collaborated with Lorenz Pauli to produce numerous much acclaimed books.

(Updated: 2020)


  • 2017 Swiss Children's and Young Adult Media Prize
  • 2012 Leipziger Lesekompass
  • 2011 North Rhine-Westphalia Children’s Book Award
  • 2011 Swiss Children’s and Young Adult Media Prize
  • 2011 Heidelberg Leander
  • 2010 The Golden Bookworm

More Publications

Ei, Ei, Ei! Die Maus hilft aus
Atlantis Verlag, Zurich 2020.
Ein Passwort für die Pippilothek
Atlantis Verlag, Zurich 2019.
Am liebsten aß der Hamster Hugo Spaghetti mit Tomatensugo
Hanser Verlag, Munich 2018.
Atlantis Verlag, Zurich 2016.
Da bist du ja!
Atlantis Verlag, Zurich 2014.
Johanna im Zug
Atlantis Verlag, Zurich 2009.
So war das! Nein, so! Nein, so!
Atlantis Verlag, Zurich 2007.
Wie weihnachtelt man?
Sauerländer Verlag, Frankfurt 2001.

Featured Books

Book cover Rigo and Rosa. 28 stories from inside and outside the zoo

Rigo und Rosa. 28 Geschichten aus dem Zoo und dem Leben
[Rigo and Rosa. 28 stories from inside and outside the zoo]

Atlantis Verlag

Book cover Death on the Apple Tree

Der Tod auf dem Apfelbaum
[Death on the Apple Tree]

Atlantis Verlag

Book cover 'Are you scared?' asked the mouse

"Hast du Angst?", fragte die Maus
['Are you scared?' asked the mouse]

Beltz & Gelberg Verlag

Book cover Just all of us

nur wir alle
[Just all of us]

Atlantis Verlag

Book cover How brave, how brave!

mutig, mutig
[How brave, how brave!]

Atlantis Verlag
