Children's Books

Jutta Bücker

Jutta Bücker, born 1970 in the Münster region, studied Product and Graphic Design in Münster and Illustration in Hamburg, where she still lives. Her works are internationally renowned; many of her books have been translated into over 20 languages, including her bestseller series, the Rosalie and Truffle books.

(Updated: 2020)


  • 2000 Austrian Book Prize – Children and Young Adults

More Publications

Rosalie und Trüffel – Trüffel und Rosalie
(Text: Katja Reider)
Sanssouci Verlag, Munich 2012.
Rosalies schönstes Geschenk – Trüffels schönstes Geschenk
(Text: Katja Reider)
Sanssouci Verlag, Munich 2009.
Mein Glück bist du
(Text: Heinz Janisch)
Sanssouci Verlag, Munich 2008.
Rosalie liebt Trüffel – Trüffel liebt Rosalie
(Text: Katja Reider)
Sanssouci Verlag, Munich 2007.
Herr Jasper sucht das Glück. Frau Kühnlein sucht das Glück
(Text: Katja Reider)
Sanssouci Verlag, Munich 2005.
Der Mondhund
(Text: Nele Moost)
Thienemann-Esslinger Verlag, Stuttgart 2000.

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