Atlantis Verlag

The publishing house was founded in Berlin in 1930 by Martin Hürlimann and his wife Bettina Hürlimann-Kiepenheuer. From 1942 the couple published their books in Zurich, creating several classics such as Heidrun Petrides’ 1962 picture book Xaver und der Wastl (still in print even now). In 1981 Atlantis was bought by the Pro Juventute Foundation. During this time the Pro Juvenute Foundation’s backing enabled them to develop their line of parenting manuals, along with the Atlantis series of themed books. During this period when other traditional Swiss publishing houses were being acquired by foreign companies, Atlantis found a happy solution: their entire catalogue has continued to flourish as an imprint in its own right under the umbrella of Zurich publishers Orell Füssli Ltd. 15 books per year are produced on average; their back catalogue consists of around 150 titles.

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