Berenberg Verlag

Berenberg Verlag was established in 2003 by Petra and Heinrich von Berenberg. Berenberg receives vital support from the Munich publisher Antje-Kunstmann Verlag: without its sales partnership with this successful publisher, Berenberg books would only be able to reach a fraction of their readers. The first four books were published in the fall of 2004, and since then three to four new titles have been published semi-annually. With its broad list of titles, the publisher hopes to withstand economic pressures to specialize. True to the motto of the American historian Robert Darnton, Berenberg Verlag doesn’t publish big books – in fact, they’re rarely over 200 pages. Central themes include (auto-)biographical literature (with a stress on literature), personal accounts and memoirs of contemporary history, and essays.

Berenberg’s current list of authors: Cristina Peri Rossi, John Maynard Keynes, Josep Pla, Georg Brandes, David Cannadine, Alicia Giménez Bartlett, Lytton Strachey, Léon Blum, Mario Rigoni Stern, André Bernold, Detlev Claussen, Géza von Cziffra, Gilbert K. Chesterton, Joachim Kalka, Hilary Spurling, Ricardo Piglia, Michael Maar, Eugeni Xammar, A. J. Liebling.

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