
Jürgen Kaube

Jürgen Kaube, born 1962 in Worms, initially studied Philosophy, German Studies and Art History at the Free University, Berlin, before switching to Economics and going on to teach Sociology at the University of Bielefeld. Joining the staff of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung in 1992, he became an editor there in 1999, and was made head of the Humanities section in 2008, before being appointed one of the four editorial heads of the paper in 2014, with responsibilty for the Culture Supplement.

(Updated: 2020)


  • 2015 Ludwig Börne Prize

More Publications

Ist die Schule zu blöd für unsere Kinder?
Rowohlt Verlag, Berlin 2019.
Lob des Fussballs
C.H. Beck, Munich 2018.
Im Reformhaus. Zur Krise des Bildungssystems
Zu Klampen, Springe 2015.
Otto Normalabweicher. Der Aufstieg der Minderheiten
Zu Klampen, Springe 2007.

Featured Books

Book cover Max Weber. A life between epochs

Max Weber. Ein Leben zwischen den Epochen
[Max Weber. A life between epochs]

Rowohlt Buchverlag
