
Andreas Tönnesmann

Andreas Tönnesmann, born in 1953, studied Art History and Literature at German and Italian universities. He became a professor of architectural history first at the University of Bonn in 1991, then later at the University of Augsburg. In 2001 he was awarded a chair at the renowned Institute of Art and Architectural History at the  Swiss Technical University (ETH Zurich). He died in 2014 in Munich.

(Updated: 2020)

More Publications

Die Kunst der Renaissaince
C.H. Beck Verlag, Munich 2007.
Kleine Kunstgeschichte Roms
C.H. Beck Verlag, Munich 2002.

Featured Books

Book cover Monopoly. The Game, the City and the Luck

Monopoly. Das Spiel, die Stadt und das Glück
[Monopoly. The Game, the City and the Luck]

Wagenbach Verlag
