Patmos Verlag / Sauerländer

The Patmos publishing house was founded in 1946. Since then several other publishing houses have joined Patmos such as the renowned Sauerländer Verlag and Dachs Verlag. The children and juvenile book programme has therefore become an important part of the publishing house.

The programme consists of the following sections: Main parts of the Sauerländer Programme are its famous picture books and the high quality children and juvenile literature. The Patmos Programme focuses on songbooks, board books, religious books and audio books with songs, readings and dramatisations. And the austrian Dachs Verlag is known as the original publishing house of Christine Nöstlinger. Many well-known authors, illustrators and actors form these programmes.

Numerous books have received important rewards and nominations such as the “Deutsche Jugendliteraturpreis” or the “Schweizer Jugendliteraturpreis”.

Books featured on
