
Bertelsmann have published books for younger readers ever since the company was founded in 1835. After 1945 it was their Sigbert Mohn imprint that chiefly concentrated on this field, with considerable success; then in 1974 the ‘Children’s Books’ imprint moved to Munich as part of the C. Bertelsmann Verlag. cbj represents a varied programme of high-quality hard-cover books for younger children (from age four) and older children (from age 12): interesting and innovative picture books, sumptuously produced books for reading aloud, a wide-ranging programme of children’s fiction, ‘classical’ reading matter and sophisticated entertainment, non-fiction books crammed with information and designed to stimulate children’s creativity. First-rate prize-winning writers and illustrators together with highly promising newcomers ensure that the exciting and colourful world of books is brought fully to life for younger and older children alike.

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