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Reiner Stach

Reiner Stach, born 1951 in Rochlitz (Saxony), studied Philosophy, Literature and Mathematics at Frankfurt University, gaining a doctorate there with a thesis on Kafka, and then worked for several years as a editor for various publishers, including Fischer, Rowohlt and Metzler. He began working on his three-volume Kafka biography in 1996. Reiner Stach has lived in Berlin since 2009.

(Updated: 2020)

More Publications

Ist das Kafka? 99 Fundstücke
S. Fischer, Frankfurt 2012.
Kafka. Die Jahre der Erkenntnis
S. Fischer, Frankfurt 2008.
Kafka. Die Jahre der Entscheidungen
S. Fischer, Frankfurt 2002.
Kafkas erotischer Mythos. Eine ästhetische Konstruktion des Weiblichen
S. Fischer, Frankfurt 1987.

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