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Michael Kleeberg

Michael Kleeberg, born 1959 in Stuttgart, studied Political Science and History at Hamburg University, and Visual Communication at Hamburg’s University of Fine Arts. After extended periods in Rome, Berlin and Amsterdam he moved to Paris in 1986, where he ran an advertising agency until 1994. He lives in Berlin as a freelance writer and a translator from French and English.

(Updated: 2020)

Photo: © Amrei-Marie, (Own work) / Wiki CC BY-SA 4.0

More Publications

Der Idiot des 21. Jahrhunderts. Ein Divan
Galiani, Berlin 2018.
Novel. Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, Munich 2014.
Novel. Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, Munich 2007
Der König von Korsika
Novel. Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, Munich 2001.
Ein Garten im Norden
Novel. Ullstein, Berlin 1998.

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